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Shuttle Types:

Small 3x3
SmallGas 3x3
Medium 5x5
MediumGas 5x5
MediumPlane 7x7 Runway 15
Large 6x6x6
LargeGas 6x6x5
LargePlane 9x9x3 Runway 20



This website generates a list of names with hashes in order
Prefix is the text and stuff that comes before hand, the {} is replaced by zero padded id's of each device, you can remove the {} if you don't want to know what name has what ID I guess lol Pading is the number of zeros to pad the ID that replaces the {}, ie 009 instead of 9, just so names line up Amount is the amount of names you want to generate, each name will have an ID from 0 to this amount Numid is a weird one, but basically its the number added to the ID for every name. Think of it as a "Collection ID". So if I have two sets of 100 lights, then they won't collide if they have different Numids, IE 300 -> 301 ... 399 for 100 names. If you're iterating, start at this number

And at the very end of each name generated is six very specific alphanumeric characters that make the name have a Crc32 Hash (the one that stationeers uses) be the number you want.

The website by default generates 100 names of LED-{}- with padding of 2 and numid of 300. Example: LED-39-2ppGcF with a hash of 339. If you want to check the hash, copy the name here: https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/crc32.html but thats in hex, so then you could convert it to decimal here: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html, that's how Ive been checking the names give the right hashs out side of my program.

Data logic Numbers:


Using sap instruction:

sap r0 num 14.14 0.2928 works to set r0 if num is between 10 and 20
sap r0 num b c

a1=10 (lower limit)
a2=20 (upper limit)

b = sqrt(a1*a2)
c = (b-a1)/b
